Nominations for SEA will be collected and be evaluated annually by the NCUS SEA Committee. A member of The SEA committee will contact all nominees for additional information. The Committee utilizes a point value system to determine the winner of the SEA Award.
The winner will be announced during the Business Meeting every Spring Symposium.
Deadline for nominations annually: December 31
Nominations will reopen yearly at Spring Symposium for the following year.
Active NCUS members may nominate other active NCUS members to run for election to the Board of Directors for the coming year. Nominees must be a member of North Carolina Ultrasound Society in good standing, and be registered in good standing with ARDMS, ARRT (Sonography) or CCI.
Names will be presented to the general membership for a majority vote through a web-based election process. New board of directors will join the board at the Spring Symposium. Once elected, Board Members serve for the term of 3 years. At the end of the term, Board Members may be interested in running in the next board of directors election.
Deadline for nominations annually: July 31
Nominations will reopen yearly at Spring Symposium for the following year.
The NCUS provides information and educational opportunities for sonographers in North Carolina and across the nation.
PHONE: 919.410.6337
ADDRESS: North Carolina Ultrasound Society, Inc
1112 Styx Drive
Monroe NC 28112
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