The purpose of this society shall be to advance the development of personnel involved in the diagnostic application of ultrasound in health care by:
1. Providing an opportunity for continuing education to personnel involved in the diagnostic application of ultrasound in health care, and
2. Operating exclusively for education and scientific purposes as a non-profit society.
The North Carolina Ultrasound Society (NCUS) began in 1980 through the vision of some very talented individuals and very dedicated sonographers. The NCUS provides information and educational opportunities for sonographers in North Carolina and across the nation. NCUS hosts two CME meetings annually at various locations across the state. Through our website, we keep you informed of educational opportunities, annual symposiums, and on-line CME credits.
Student members of the NCUS are provided several opportunities to participate in the NCUS through our Mentoring Program, Quiz Bowl, and Scientific Exhibit Competitions. All NCUS members have the ability to nominate fellow sonographers for the Board of Directors and for the Sonographer Excellence Award. Please visit the NCUS on Facebook and Instagram too! As always, your NCUS Board of Directors are dedicated to serving Sonographers in NC and beyond.
The NCUS provides information and educational opportunities for sonographers in North Carolina and across the nation.
PHONE: 919.410.6337
ADDRESS: North Carolina Ultrasound Society, Inc
1112 Styx Drive
Monroe NC 28112
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