The North Carolina Ultrasound Society will be holding Virtual Fall Symposium for Continuing Education on Saturday, September 28, 2024.
The Board of Directors is proud to host the virtual symposium that will expose sonographers at all skill levels to practical knowledge and current applications in multiple areas of sonography. These areas of study include but are not limited to General, OB/GYN, Vascular, and Echocardiography. The symposium is sponsored by the NCUS and 7 CME credits will be offered through the SDMS (accrediting body).
-Virtual Advertisement = $350 (ad must be less than 1.5mins & in MP4 format) It will be played multiple times throughout the conference (between sessions & during lunch) in 2 different virtual rooms for maximum audience exposure.
Please upload your .mp4 file by ***September 15***:
-Sponsorship = $200
Your company will be listed out to the members as one of our sponsors during the meeting & in the emails. This is also a great option for those that want to support NCUS, but may not have access to a commercial for their company.
**OR YOU COULD DO BOTH! = $500 ($50 discount)
To register for any of these options please fill out the Vendor application above. We accept credit card payments (we will send you an invoice for payment to the email you indicate in this application). We also accept check payments to: NCUS Central Office, 1112 Styx Drive / Monroe NC 28112. If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact Jessica Reyes at 919-671-4099 or by email at
On behalf of the Society, we would like to thank you for your continued support of the NCUS. We look forward to hearing from you soon!
Sincerely yours,
Vendor Committee
[NCUS Federal Tax ID# 58-1568795]
The NCUS provides information and educational opportunities for sonographers in North Carolina and across the nation.
PHONE: 919.410.6337
ADDRESS: North Carolina Ultrasound Society, Inc
1112 Styx Drive
Monroe NC 28112
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